Finding New Buildings in the Dust of the Old

With the continued and growing emphasis on sustainability in construction we could be on the verge of a radical shift in how we think about the current stock of buildings. The time may be coming when we stop planning for building replacement, and instead plan for building reuse. That in turn would significantly change the roles of designers and builders.

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Advantages of organic thermal silicon encapsulant in electronic potting

There are three main types of power module potting: epoxy resin potting, silicone potting, and polyurethane potting. Among them, silicone potting glue has the following advantages:

There are three main types of power module potting: epoxy resin potting, silicone potting, and polyurethane potting. Among them, silicone potting glue has the following advantages:
(1) Low viscosity, good leveling, suitable for molding of complex electronic parts.
(2) After curing, it forms a soft rubbery shape and has good impact resistance.
(3) Excellent heat resistance, moisture resistance and cold resistance, and can extend the life of electronic components after application.
(4) Addition molding, curing at room temperature and heating
(5) It has excellent moisture and water resistance.

Construction Honored with AGC Builders

Last night, Construction was honored to accept a Best Builders Award from the Associated General Contractors of Vermont for the construction of the $31.3 million Vermont Public Health Laboratory. There is so much to celebrate about this project – from both a construction and community perspective – and it was so gratifying to have that impact formally recognized in the contracting community.

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